STOP THE BLEED® joined the largest EMS event in the world last week to qualify more people to teach STOP THE BLEED® and to share information about the tools and resources available to develop STOP THE BLEED® programs in local communities. Over 200 people attended these sessions. Pictured above are the qualified STOP THE BLEED® trainers who worked with over 150 people during the training session. Pictured below are Dr. Levy and Patrick O”Neill of the STOP THE BLEED® Project.

Many of the organizations attending the Expo are supporters of STOP THE BLEED®, including TacMed Solutions (below).

All in all, it was exciting to see the energy and enthusiasm about the campaign. EMTs and paramedics are some of the biggest groups teaching STOP THE BLEED® around the world, the campaign could not be growing the way that it is without their support.